Thursday, February 8, 2007

el mercado

Our class took a trip to visit an indigenous market in Saquisili, which is a couple hours by bus outside of Quito. We went first to the animal market and I felt like such an intruder / tourist because our huge group stuck out. We then had a chance to divide into smaller groups, walk around and observe the negotiations about the animals. We talked to one man about his llamas and found out that they cost between $70 and $100. The highlight was when an elderly, tiny indigenous woman approached me and asked me where I was from, and was super excited that we were interested in the market. Afterwards we went to the town central and there were large market areas for food, clothing and random stuff (including old plastic baby dolls. We had some time to wander around and I walked with one of the program directors of CIMAS, named Emilia, who pointed out all sorts of imteresting fruits, spices and foods. She bought and had us try a fruit called Chirimoya which was green on the outside and white on the inside with black seed was incredible. I bartered for a woven bag and got the price down a couple of dollars, but it was overwhelming because there were so many vendors and styles and colors. It was incredibly hot and I loved being much to see and people to watch and talk to.... We had lunch at a finca (farm) where they made all of their own dairy products and amazing juice. I sadly discovered that I lost one of my favorite of the pearl ones from it is somewhere in the market or maybe cought on some llama on a finca somewhere in Ecuador....


Nora said...

Hey, Phoebe - I'm really sorry again about your earring yesterday. See you in a few hours for Banos!

Chloe Souza said...

i'm sorry about your earring but i'm going to send you the stuff that you asked for soon and i'm glad that you're having a good time.! xoxox

amyrosa said...

Phoebe love hearing about your trip sounds incredible
love tia Amy

Helene said...

Hi Phoebe!
Finally, there has been a few minutes to read about your expenicences in
Equador. Julie left 2-7 and things are a little more quiet. The work on the house(1st fl.) is mostly plastering now. What a mess but it will be great when it is finished.
Your trip sounds terrific; your indomitable spirit is clear in your entries.
It is 30 degrees here and powdery snow still covers the ground from 5 days ago. An ice storm is forcasted for tonight into Wed.
Continue to enjoy your adventure.